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A Notebook for You

Writing can be done with the simplest of materials—paper and pencil. Explore this easy and equitable writing idea for today’s times.
An easy and equitable writing idea for today’s times. Dear Colleagues,                     When schools recently closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, like you, I was…

Rethinking Guided Reading to Advantage ALL Our Learners

Only when we develop common beliefs that align with research-based, principled practices can we effectively apply guided reading.
No teacher deliberately sets out to disadvantage students and, yet, we unintentionally do so all the time. Students do not become self-directed, joyful readers because teachers…

Interview and Blog Post Roundup

The following posts and interviews about literacy, leadership, school culture, and joyful learning have appeared over the past year on various sites. As all are related to…

Where's the Celebration?

I’m still having trouble reconciling all the hoopla and public misery over the Seahawks’ Super Bowl loss for my hometown, Seattle. The fact is that our team played a great game…

The Writing Life

I’ve been writing books for educators for twenty-five years, so you might think the process gets easier and faster with time and experience. Not so.
I’ve been writing books for educators for twenty-five years, so you might think the process gets easier and faster with time and experience. Not so. Every time I start a new book,…

Presentation Matters

My husband Frank and I have a favorite luncheon spot in Seattle. Chinooks is a large, popular, family-style, seafood restaurant that overlooks Fisherman’s Bay with a great…

Making Fruit Tarts

I've been making fruit tarts for about two decades, and it's taken me that long to become masterful, that is, able to turn out an excellent fruit tart just about every time. I…

Gardening and Teaching

My husband Frank and I spend a lot of time in our garden trying to create and sustain beauty, balance, and peacefulness. Lately, I've been thinking about gardening as a metaphor…

Creating a Welcoming Culture

My husband Frank and I strive to make our living environment as pleasing as we can, for ourselves and for those we welcome into our home. We want our guests to feel cherished and…

Expecting More and Getting It

My dad died a few months ago at the age of 93. I don't think one is ever prepared for the death of a parent even when it's expected. While my dad had become increasingly frail…

Changing a Life

I met Kathy during a weeklong residency where I was demonstrating effective teaching of reading in a high challenge school. Like many of the students in the school, fifth-grader…

Showing Up

Uncle Harry is my dad's cousin, twice removed. (That is to say, he is a cousin through marriage to a cousin.) Uncle Harry is 98 years old, has a girlfriend, drives at night, lives…

Advocating for Students

It is late fall in a first-grade classroom where I am teaching students to tell, write, and publish important stories from their lives. I am having a public writing conference…

Picking Blackberries

As I pen these words, it's late August and I'm thinking about blackberries. We have a blackberry field next to our house, and my husband Frank and I have been picking those…