Engaging ALL Learners in Excellent and Equitable Practices

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The Heart-Centered Teacher:

Restoring Hope, Joy, and Possibility in Uncertain Times

What matters most for teaching, learning, and living

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How do we find hope and possibility in challenging times? How do we bring our truest selves into our teaching and personal lives? In this unique, inspiring book, beloved author Regie Routman artfully blends stories and strategies to show how we can introduce more joy and gratitude in our classrooms and in our lives.

Regie invites us to focus on what matters most in our work and in our relationships with those we hold dear. She shares ideas and practical takeaways for teaching, learning, and living. Wherever you are on your journey, no matter what loss or hardship you may face, The Heart-Centered Teacher: Restoring Hope, Joy, and Possibility in Uncertain Times will offer you a refreshing chance to pause, take a breath, and reflect on how you and your students can live more compassionate, generous, and authentic lives--in and out of the classroom.

Key Resource --> Companion Site to the Book 

         Routledge       Bookshop.org       Amazon       Audiobook          


Crucial Conversations

How do we teach with integrity and heart in difficult times? I explore this question in “Crucial Conversations”, a video series on literacy, learning, and teaching. They are a companion to my book The Heart-Centered Teacher: Restoring hope, joy, and Possibility in Uncertain Times (Routledge, 2024). In my latest conversation with Megan Drayton, we explore the power of professional learning communities, mentorship, and the core beliefs that drive her teaching practice.

Watch all conversations here, on my companion site, and on YouTube.




 "What do you know to be true?"

In this conversation with educator and author Tan Huynh, we talk about bringing our humanity into the classroom, focusing on learners' assets, "seeing" possibilities vs. limitations for learners, the importance of a whole-part-whole approach to teaching and learning, the reading-writing connection, and living a full life. "We underestimate what people can do." Listen here or at Tan's podcast space.


What I'm Reading

Here are the books, with Commentary that I’ve read and most admired in recent months, July 2024-January 2025. The commentary at the end of this post is “Inspiring Short Texts for Today’s Challenging Times.”
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Here are the books that I’ve read and most admired in recent months, November 2023-May 2024. The commentary at the end of this post is “The Pleasure of Honoring and Rereading a Favorite Author.”
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What I'm Thinking

Writing can be done with the simplest of materials—paper and pencil. Explore this easy and equitable writing idea for today’s ti…
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Only when we develop common beliefs that align with research-based, principled practices can we effectively apply guided reading…
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